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Trojan Tandem Slipper Spring Set - Slipper to Eye 2200kg

Trojan Tandem Slipper Spring Set - Slipper to Eye 2200kg

$684.25 incl. GST

: 1

: 284038

Trojan Rocker Tandem Suspensions are designed to distribute the load equally over the four trailer wheels. This is achieved by having the springs mounted on a ‘rocker bar’ which pivots on a ‘central hanger’ This suspension has the front Spring reversed to the above having the eye end attached to the Trailer Chassis with the Slipper end riding on the Rocker. This Suspension is for general usage. Sold as a Pair (LH & RH) Springs are 3 Leaf x 45mm x 8mm (Fixed Direct to Chassis). Kit includes U-Bolts & Plates required to attach Springs to Axle T284038
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